Beyond NPM: choosing dependencies wisely
Hardly any front-end projects are built without external dependencies. And when it comes to choosing dependencies, you’d better make concious and informed decisions, since bad choice can lead to worsened UX and even legal consequences. In this article we’ll look into a few tools that’ll help you make those decisions better.
Your SPA doesn’t need a router
So you are building a client-side web app for that next big project and wondering: “Which router should I use?”. Here is the thing: you don’t need any at all.
Timing in JavaScript
Measurement of duration using may lead to unexpected results. Let’s see why and how to properly measure duration.
URL.createObjectURL instead of FileReader.readAsDataURL
Fast and cheap way to get an URL for a file or a blob
UX of a drag-and-drop files uploading
How to implement drag-and-drop file upload so that users won’t suffer?
When code duplication is fine?
Analyzing a large code base, we immediately see cases in which the code should have been reused. But if you are just starting a project, cases of code reuse are not so obvious.
Data loading state
How to describe the state of the data being loaded using a single text field instead of several boolean variables.